About Us

From a small group “seeking the peace of the city” at Pastor Amy and Aaron Graham’s home in 2010, God birthed a movement in Washington, D.C. that is now The District Church. Together, that small group discerned God’s calling to plant a Christ-centered, culture-defining church for transplants and natives.

We are a church committed to impacting our city for Christ, one neighborhood at a time.

Our Beliefs

Out of loyalty to Christ and the gospel, we have come to a number of convictions concerning the clear teaching of the Bible in our Statement of Faith. These convictions are consistent with those held by Bible-believing Christians for the last 2,000 years.

About God
We believe that there is one true, holy God, eternally existing and expressing Himself in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – each of whom possesses equally all the attributes of deity and characteristics of personality. In the beginning, God created out of nothing the world and everything in it, and from that beginning, He has been relentlessly desiring and pursuing a personal, intimate, and eternal relationship with us, His children. (Genesis 1; Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 3:16,17)
About Humanity
We believe God uniquely created humans in His image to reflect His being and to live in relationship with Him. However, through the first man and woman, sin entered the world, and consequently, our relationships with God, with each other, and with the rest of the created order were broken and distorted. Though that initial disobedience by humans did not remove the divine image, it resulted in a severing of our relationship with God, and there was and is nothing we can do on our own to reestablish that union with our Father. However, we believe that God did not abandon His creation to destruction and decay; rather He promised to restore this broken world and bring His family back together. (Genesis 3; Romans 1-3). It is by God’s grace alone that this salvation is made possible.
About Jesus
We believe that our longings to be reunited with our Father found their fulfillment in Jesus, born of a virgin, mysteriously God in the flesh. Jesus came to preach good news to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, and to set captives free. He lived a perfect life, proclaiming and initiating the arrival of the Kingdom of God. He was rejected by many, crucified, buried, and rose again. His death and resurrection bring hope to all creation. Through Jesus, we have been forgiven, and through Jesus God reconciles us to himself. Through Jesus God puts His family back together. Jesus is the only way for this to happen, the only mediator between God and humans. For all who believe and receive His sacrifice, He gives the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth through a communal life of worship and a missional expression of our faith. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; Romans 5:1-11; Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:24-25)
About the Holy Spirit
The third person of God (Father & Son being the two others) is the Holy Spirit. We believe the Holy Spirit lives within every believer in Jesus and that the Spirit is our abiding helper, teacher, and guide. We believe in the filling or the empowering of the Holy Spirit for ministry today. We believe in the present ministry of the Spirit and in the exercise of all of the biblical gifts of the Spirit. (John 14 & 16; Acts 2; Romans 8; I Cor. 12 – 14)
About the Bible
The Bible is God’s Word to all people for all times. Written by the Holy Spirit through human authors, it is entirely accurate, complete, and trustworthy. God calls us to submit all of ourselves (our hearts, minds, speech, and actions) to this authoritative Word and to immerse ourselves in its story, faithfully living it out today as we are empowered by the Spirit. (2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:19-21)
About the Church
We believe there is one true church, universal, comprised of all those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We practice the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper and await the return of Christ. We believe the church is called to engage the culture and to put the resurrected Christ who lives in and through us on display to a broken and hurting world. We believe that God works through the church to bring His family back together through Jesus Christ. (Matthew 5:13-16; Matthew 16:18; Acts 1-12; Ephesians 4:1-16)

Meet Our Team

We believe God establishes our roles, and we are honored to love, think and act like Jesus as we serve His people in Washington, D.C.


Ministry Staff

Counseling Staff


Impacting our city for Christ, one neighborhood at a time


To make disciples who love, think and act like Jesus


Worship – upward to God
Community – inward to one another
Justice – outward to the world



Living out your God-given mission in everyday life.


Making disciples of all nations.


Developing leaders and churches in DC and beyond.

Becoming A Multicultural Church

As the collective body of Christ, we understand that we are both diverse and represent a variety of different cultures, identities, abilities, life experiences, etc. Through Spirit-led discernment, we consistently seek to be welcoming and intentional in developing disciples of Christ who live out their faith in how they love, think, and act. We celebrate diversity as we learn how to become one body of Christ.

Stories From The Community

God’s story of restoration and redemption is being played out in the lives of Jesus-followers all across the globe. Through Jesus’ work in the hearts of The District Church community members, He’s writing a story of hope and healing in the neighborhoods of Washington, D.C.

Work With Us

Thank you for your interest in working on our team at The District Church! Following are the open positions that are currently available.

District Kids coordinator

The District Kids Coordinator serves as the administrative foundation for District Kids ministry. The role involves support of the Sunday morning District Kids experience and other spaces as well as discipling ministry volunteers.

Set up Team

The Set Up Team is responsible for prepping the kids ministry space for District Kids volunteers to fully engage with discipling the children of The District Church.

Just Homes Executive Director

Just Homes is a housing initiative of The District Church that mobilizes and equips churches in D.C. to live out their calling to biblical justice by meeting the city’s housing needs.