Becoming a Multicultural Church
The District Church community is diverse and represents a variety of different cultures, identities, abilities, life experiences, and more. Through Spirit-led discernment, we consistently seek to be welcoming and intentional in developing disciples of Christ who live out their faith in how they love, think, and act. We celebrate diversity as we learn how to become one body in Christ.

The District Church constantly seeks to create a picture of heaven on earth as described in Revelation 7:9-10:
“There before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before them Lamb.”
Affinity Groups
Affinity groups at The District Church exist to serve our diverse church by sharing our stories and guiding the church through healthy conversations around culture and reconciliation.
These groups act as places of education, service, and healing for people from marginalized communities at our church. These spaces prepare people to re-enter into the greater community in healthy and complete ways.

Multicultural Language Terms & Definition
All of humanity images God and contains His likeness. God’s image has been reflected in a variety of different ways (ages, gender, racial and ethnic backgrounds, socioeconomic status, accessibility, life experiences, and more). We recognize the dignity God has placed on human lives and seek to reflect His truth in a fallen world.
- Genesis 1:26-31
- Genesis 2:7
- Genesis 5:1-3
- Genesis 9:6
Creating Space
Removing barriers, both intentional and unintentional, that prevent people from experiencing Christ.
Culture is the experiential lens in which we come to understand ourselves, others, God, and the world. Culture is actively cultivated, maintained, intentional, and creatively expressed in a variety of different ways.
As the collective body of Christ, we understand that we are both diverse and represent a variety of different cultures, identities, abilities, life experiences, etc.. Through Spirit-led discernment, we consistently seek to be welcoming and intentional in developing disciples of Christ who live out their faith in how they love, think, and act. We celebrate diversity as we learn how to become one body in Christ.