District Kids

Welcome to our children’s ministry! District Kids provides a safe and fun environment by walking alongside parents to raise their children knowing, loving, and following Jesus

What To Expect

We take our responsibility seriously to care for our kids by partnering with our parents, volunteers, and The District Church community to keep them safe, supported, and pointed to Jesus. Every staff member and volunteer is trained and background checked before serving in our children’s environments.

We use Grow Curriculum, which teaches our kids how to grow closer to Jesus through spending time with God, spending time with others, using their gifts, and sharing their story. Parents receive lesson plans and discussion questions in the form of a daily review each week, so the children are able reinforce and practically apply what they are learning each Sunday.

When does District Kids meet?

We currently offer District Kids at our 9:30 am service only.

Where Do I Park?

Our services are held inside the Columbia Heights Educational Campus. Free parking for Sunday is available in the underground garage, beneath the school. The entrance is on Hiatt Place. Additional paid parking is available in the DC USA Center parking garage.

Where do I go if I take the Metro?

If you use the Metro, we are half a block from the Columbia Heights metro station.

Do I need to register my child?

You will be expected to sign your children into District Kids by providing their names, birth dates and any allergies or special needs. You will also provide your details as a parent or guardian. Once checked in, you will be issued a ticket that you will use to pick up your child at the end of the service.

How are District Kids classes structured?

The Kids’ classes are divided according to age groups.

Child or Baby Dedication

Baby or child dedications are a beautiful celebration of your commitment to raise your child to know and love Jesus.
Dedicating your baby or child allows The District Church community to pray with you, celebrate with you, and stand in commitment with you as make a public declaration to commit your child to God.

Resources for Parents

There is no one that has more influence in a child’s life than their parents or guardians. We believe parents and guardians are the primary spiritual influencers in their kids’ lives, and we are committed to partnering with parents and families.

Below, you will find content and resources to help you lead your children in developing a personal relationship with God and a deepening understanding of their God-given purpose in life.

Please feel free to reach out for any specific recommendations.

Recommended Books

Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

by Paul David Tripp

Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls

by Gary Thomas

God Made Me and You: Celebrating God’s Design for Ethnic Diversity

by Shai Linne

The Jesus Storybook Bible

by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Serve with the District Kids Team

Being an adult within The District Church community means that you are a spiritual parent to our children. We all have a responsibility to help disciple the next generation. Whether it’s three Sundays a year or every other week, your presence is needed to ensure our children are safe, supported and pointed to Jesus. Fill out a volunteer application and background check consent form to get started.
