21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

January 6th through 26th.

Please join us on Zoom each morning from 6:45 – 7:30 am Eastern Time (US and Canada).

Meeting ID: 898 1599 0497
Passcode: 098850

The District Church members praying in small groups


Please join us in :

  • Setting aside time each day to pray with us about specific topics, following the guide below.
  • Connecting to our Zoom call, from 6:45 – 7:30 am daily, our church community prays together, with staff and prayer team members leading.
  • Fasting daily for 12 hours during the daytime, 7 am – 7 pm or something similar that fits your schedule.
  • Adjusting these as needed due to your family or work schedule and your physical or health status. See our FAQ document for more information if fasting is new for you.
  • **If you struggle with disordered eating or have in the past, fasting from food may be unwise, but you can still engage in the fast by giving up other things like social media or TV. If you would like to speak with someone from our counseling team, fill out this form.**

Prepare To Fast

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

Decide how you will participate in our 21 days of prayer and fasting.
  • Is fasting all new for you? Our FAQ document has information that might be helpful.
  • Are you still trying to decide whether you believe in God or not? We’re so glad you are joining us! This is a great opportunity to learn more about Jesus, who lived and died to help us understand who God is. You could start by reading through one of the Gospels. The Book of Mark in the New Testament is a good place to start.
Scale back your consumption in the 2-3 days before beginning the fast.

You are about to practice the discipline of “humbling yourself” by fasting, allowing yourself to experience some physical discomfort, in order to increase your spiritual awareness of God and your spiritual hunger to connect with God. You can ease into the fast by limiting caffeine, or snacks, or sugar in the days before you start, as a way of reminding yourself that your physical appetite for food will be reined in.

Consider your purpose for praying and fasting.

Do you have a specific prayer request you will bring before God? Is there an area where you are looking for change or breakthrough? Is there something for which you need discernment or guidance? When we enter a season of prayer and fasting with specific prayer requests, we are honoring God by believing he hears us and wants to meet us.

Think about your schedule in these 21 days.

When will you take time to read the Bible and pray? How will you use the time you are not using for meals? Do you need to make schedule changes so this can work well? How can you practice this spiritual discipline well?

Make plans to connect with others who are fasting and praying through these 21 days.

It might be a prayer partner, a small group, the daily prayer call on Zoom, family members. Invite someone to join you. Jesus demonstrated his value for companions and prayed that we would find comfort and support in community (John 17). Praying and fasting in community is one way we learn to love, think and act like Jesus!

Plan to journal for these 21 days.

This is another way to demonstrate your faith and trust that God will be with us on this journey. Journaling might be a regular spiritual practice for you, but if it isn’t, this is a great time to try it out. All you need is a notebook (an electronic version is an option, but it does leave the door open for distraction) and something to write with. Use the journal to record your purpose for praying and fasting in these 21 days, reflections on the daily topics and Scripture verses, questions or anything you learn during the fast, and specific answers to prayer.

Begin Your Journey


New Service Times

New Service times beginning Sunday, February 2nd! 9 am & 11 am. District Kids available in both services!