Kingdom Women are Tenacious | Rev. Dr. Lisa Banks-Williams

Scripture: Proverbs 31:25-26

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.”


The Kingdom Woman: Embracing Tenacity and Empowerment

The Kingdom Woman series has been a transformative journey, exploring the characteristics of the virtuous woman from Proverbs 31. This exploration has been led by dynamic preachers like Pastor Amy, who introduced us to the idea that the Kingdom Woman is empowered, and Dr. Kim Denu, who highlighted her joyful confidence. Today, we delve deeper into understanding the Kingdom Woman’s tenacity, encapsulated by her strength, dignity, and fearlessness.

The Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:25-26 describes the virtuous woman as “clothed with strength and dignity,” capable of laughing at the days to come, and speaking with wisdom and faithful instruction. This series invites us to see the Kingdom Woman as tenacious, where strength plus dignity plus fearlessness equals tenacity. Let’s explore the five key attributes of the Kingdom Woman.

The Kingdom Woman is Priceless, Not Perfect

The Kingdom Woman is invaluable, like a rare ruby. Rubies symbolize virtues such as power, vigilance, influence, and zest for life. They also represent everlasting affection and love when given in relationships. Rubies are rare, tough, and formed under extreme pressure, much like the Kingdom Woman, who withstands life’s pressures to become who God wants her to be.

Life’s challenges often serve to toughen and prepare us for God’s plans. Despite being priceless, the Kingdom Woman, like any precious stone, has flaws. Her journey is not about perfection but about embracing her worth and God’s purpose for her life.

The Kingdom Woman is Practical and Productive

A Bible commentator suggested that the Proverbs 31 woman was a Proverbs 31 is described as a manufacturer, importer, manager, realtor, farmer, seamstress, upholsterer, merchant, wife, and mother. She embodies a woman of character and many skills. However, it’s important to recognize that she didn’t do all these things simultaneously; she had help, and so do we.

We often misinterpret Philippians 4:13, thinking we can do all things by ourselves. However, the strength we receive from Christ is for carrying out God’s will, following His path, and overcoming obstacles. The Kingdom Woman is practical and productive, understanding her limitations and relying on God’s strength to fulfill His plans for her life.

The Kingdom Woman is Prudent and Protective

A Kingdom Woman protects her family’s heart, ego, and reputation. Proverbs 31 emphasizes that her husband trusts her, and she enriches his life. She builds up her family with her words, demonstrating wisdom, discernment, and discretion.

The power of words is significant. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and the Kingdom Woman uses her words to uplift and encourage. She knows when to speak, when to refrain, and how to share wisdom with kindness. Her prudent nature ensures she protects and enriches those around her.

The Kingdom Woman is Poised for Prosperity

Proverbs 31 describes the virtuous woman as making her dealings profitable. Her hard work, kindness, and compassion bring rich rewards, not just materially but also spiritually and relationally. She’s dressed for success, symbolized by her attire of fine linen and purple, a rare and expensive dye representing her value and prosperity.

Prosperity for the Kingdom Woman extends beyond wealth. It includes the favor of God, honor, and the ability to uplift those around her. Her prosperity is a testament to her dedication, hard work, and faithfulness.

The Kingdom Woman is Persistent in Prayer

Prayer is the foundation of the Kingdom Woman’s strength. The story of the Syrophoenician woman in Matthew 15:21-28 exemplifies tenacity in prayer. Despite facing numerous obstacles—her nationality, gender, and societal status—she persisted in seeking Jesus’ help for her demon-possessed daughter.

This woman overcame every barrier, recognizing the power and presence of Jesus. Her persistence and faith led to her daughter’s healing. The Kingdom Woman, like the Syrophoenician woman, knows the power of fervent prayer and presses past obstacles, relying on God’s strength and promises.


The Kingdom Woman’s journey is a process of becoming, embracing her worth, and relying on God’s strength. She is priceless, practical, prudent, poised for prosperity, and persistent in prayer. Her tenacity, rooted in her faith and relationship with God, empowers her to withstand life’s pressures and fulfill God’s purpose for her life.

The Kingdom Woman’s story is a reminder that we are all in the perpetual posture of becoming, and with God’s strength, we can embrace our roles and responsibilities with grace and tenacity. Let’s continue to seek God’s guidance, support one another, and walk together on this journey of becoming Kingdom Women and Men, living under the authority of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives.


The above post is a summarized version of the full sermon. Please click the link below to watch the full message: