Explore practical insights that help you live, love and take action from a place of biblical truth.
Faith often requires letting go, even when it doesn’t make sense. Moses’ parents placed him in a basket on the Nile, trusting God despite the uncertainties that included dangers from the river, wild animals, or even Egyptians. Too often, we find ourselves seeking certainty before obeying God. However, scripture teaches trust, not certainty. Faith is confidence in what we hope for, even when what we hope for cannot be seen or comprehended. We must obey without visible assurance and like Moses’ parents, we must trust that God is greater than our fears and circumstances.
Love is a terrifying thing. It exposes the parts of ourselves that we often wish to keep hidden. Yet, despite the risks, we were made for love and connection. Today, we explore what it means to date in light of the love of Jesus Christ. This isn’t just a sermon for those who are single and searching for a partner; it’s for everyone. Whether you’re married, single, or living a celibate lifestyle, understanding how our relationship with God informs our romantic lives is essential.
In our journey together as a church, we’ve spent time walking through the “Seven Rhythms” of spiritual life. These practices – prayer, worship, service, scripture, repentance, storytelling, and generosity – have been at the core of our series, and each week, many of you have shared how these rhythms are transforming your walk with God. […]
Scripture: Acts 2:14-38 The Holy Spirit’s Arrival: An Invitation to Transformation As we enter the second chapter of Acts, the scene is set for a transformative moment in history. Jesus has ascended to Heaven, and the promised Holy Spirit has arrived, making His presence among the disciples undeniable. This event leaves many in awe […]
Acts 4:32-4:37 You Can’t Outgive God: A Lesson in Generosity Growing up, my dad often told me, “You can’t outgive God.” Though I memorized the phrase, it took years for me to understand its profound truth. It’s about recognizing that God’s generosity, through Jesus Christ, far surpasses anything we can ever give back. This […]
Scripture: Acts 3:1-10 The Call to Confront Injustice and Serve the Marginalized Do you remember the first time you encountered injustice? How old were you when you realized that the world was not fair? For me, it happened when I was four years old. I attended an in-home babysitter where my best friend, Benji, and […]
Scripture Acts 2:42-47 The early church was a learning church. In today’s fast-paced, hyper-distracted world, we often view spiritual experiences, emotional encounters, and vibrant charismatic expressions as a counter to intellectual engagement. Some may even believe that being filled with the Spirit and experiencing powerful moments of worship means that we should shy away from […]
A resilient storyteller is one who can stand firm and share their faith story despite challenges, fear, and doubt. This resilience is grounded in their ability to reflect on God’s goodness, discern divine timing, and receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Let’s explore these three marks in depth.
Scripture Acts 2:46-47 Worship in the Early Church After Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit came upon the disciples, they were empowered in a way that forever changed history. The small group of Jesus’ followers became thousands, and their lives were transformed. These early Christians began […]