A decision to be baptized warrants a huge celebration at The District Church!
Baptism is the public expression of a personal commitment to follow Jesus as one’s Savior and Lord. It is one of the two foundational practices of Christianity, commanded by Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20) and practiced by Christians for thousands of years.
At The District Church we baptize through immersion (i.e., in a pool). Going under the water symbolizes that we are united with Christ in His death and burial, coming up out of it that we are united with Christ in His resurrection.

Why Should I Be Baptized?
To follow the example of Jesus
To obey Jesus’ command
To join with the historical church—the body of Christ.
There are two things that Jesus did and asked His followers to do as acts of worship: communion and baptism. The church has responded faithfully to Jesus’ call to observe these practices for 2,000 years. By being baptized, you are joining billions of others who have put their faith in Christ and made this decision public.

What If I Was Baptized As An Infant?
Though not essential, being baptized as an adult can actually be a way to honor your parents’ decision to have you baptized. You are honoring your parents by making the choice for yourself as an adult that you desire to live fully into the Christian faith that they committed you to as a baby.

Am I Ready To Get Baptized?
Getting baptized doesn’t mean that you are perfect (none of us would be baptized in that case!), but rather that you recognize your need for God’s grace and that you are trying to put God first in your life and to love, think, and act like Jesus as best as you are able.