5 Attributes of a Lukewarm and Wobbly Christian – Pastor Aaron Graham
Ephesians 6:15
“Stand firm…with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”
Many Christians today are weak or lukewarm. They do not have the strength to stand firm against the many schemes of the enemy. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6 that we as believers are “to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” We are to put on “the full armor of God.”
The third weapon in our wardrobe is having our “feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” The Ephesians would have likened this to the Roman soldiers’ “caligae” sandals. These recently invented sandals provided much needed protection from enemy armies and allowed the Roman armies to march twice as fast as their enemies.
The challenge is to be ready to stand firm. Unfortunately, many Christians today are “wobbly,” and lack a firm foothold in Christ.
John Stott says “Wobbly Christians who have no firm foothold in Christ are easy prey for the devil.”
There are five characteristics of wobbly Christians today.
Don’t know what is in their wardrobe:
Wobbly Christians don’t utilize the full armor of God. While believers have access to essential spiritual tools like the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, wobbly Christians tend to only embrace one or two of these. They might develop a mindset that they need to earn the other pieces, missing the understanding that they already have full access to these spiritual defenses, which are necessary to resist the enemy and find freedom from sin.
Have a difficult time settling into a church:
Wobbly Christians have a hard time committing to a single church. They often move from one church to another, never settling into a community. This consumer-like attitude towards church prevents them from fully engaging in a faith community. They become critics rather than learners, missing out on the stability and growth that comes from being part of a committed church body. This lack of commitment weakens their ability to stand firm in their faith.
Don’t know what they believe:
Wobbly Christians often don’t have a firm grasp of their beliefs. They can be easily swayed by popular opinions and are more likely to focus on secondary issues rather than core biblical truths. This lack of clear, foundational understanding leaves them vulnerable to being “tossed back and forth by the waves” of cultural and theological trends. They might also blend their faith with cultural norms (syncretism), diluting the distinctiveness and power of the gospel.
Don’t know how to raise their kids:
Wobbly Christians may find it challenging to raise their children with strong, biblical principles. With numerous parenting philosophies and cultural distractions, they can become overwhelmed and lose sight of the primary goal: to teach their children the ways of the Lord. The enemy uses these distractions to keep parents from focusing on the spiritual upbringing of their children, leading to confusion and a lack of godly discipline and instruction in the home.
Don’t share their faith:
Wobbly Christians often do not actively share their faith. Remember, the devil’s main strategy is to destroy your peace with God. And in turn with others. The devil loves to create turmoil within and division all around. When Christians are consumed with these internal and relational conflicts, they become less focused on their mission to share the gospel of peace. This inner turmoil distracts them from living out their God-given mission and spreading the good news of salvation through Christ.
Standing firm in the gospel of peace requires a deep understanding of the spiritual weapons available to us, a commitment to a local church, and a dedication to raising the next generation in the faith. By sharing the gospel of peace and embodying the love of Christ, we can withstand the devil’s schemes and bring hope to a suffering world.
Watch the full sermon: